Ein sinnloses Blutvergießen (A pointless bloodshed)
St Andrews, Scotland, early 1930s. A tax consultant has to see what's behind the mysterious death of one of his clients. The police decide they're dealing with suicide, but something doesn't quite add up... After doing his own kind of investigation, the protagonist discovers deeper secrets.
Written in 2014, translated in 2015. Awarded 1st prize at Münchner Kinder-Krimipreis 2014 (Munich childrens' crime story award 2014).

Denken ist ungesund (Thinking is unhealthy)
A young politician in Venezuela, still at the very beginning of his career, discovers a huge drug network. Ambitioned as he is, he tries to use it for his own benefit - but it takes an unexpected turn.
Written in 2015 for "KunstWortKunst" (ArtWordArt) Creative Workshop and awarded one of four best stories. Inspired by a painting from Uwe Lausen by the same name.