Konstantin Mayer is a filmmaker and photographer based in Munich, Germany. 
In early 2023, he got his B.A. in Film & TV studies, majoring in production, at Macromedia University.
Later that same year, he got certified as Green Consultant for Film & TV at IHK Munich by Philip Gassmann.

Konstantin Mayer has spent a significant amount of time in New Zealand, e.g. on his semester abroad at SIT Invercargill.
He has experience in producing documentaries, fictional movies/series, advertisements, and music videos.

Konstantin Mayer is an EU-certified drone pilot (A1/A3). 

Software skills include:
Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop, Premiere, Fresco, Illustrator, Acrobat; DaVinci Resolve; Office365; Sesam Dreh and Kalkulation; Fuzzlecheck; Green Shooting calculator by KlimAktiv; Green Toolkit; Toon Boom Storyboard and Harmony
Basic programming skills in Java and HTML
©2020 Valentin Levaufre
Hit me up and Let'S make something!
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